Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Blog 5: EOTO 1

  The Evolution of The Instagram Logo: A Brief History | Looka

    Instagram was founded in 2010 by Kevin Systrom.  Originally called "Burbn", the app was designed to connect people globally by sharing their check-ins at new locations.  Systrom secured $500,000 in funding from venture capitalists and soon found a collaborator in Mike Kreiger, now Instagram's co-founder.  As they worked on the app, they realized it was too similar to the established app Foursquare.  Capitalizing on the growing popularity of image-based communication, they rebranded their app as Instagram - a name combining "instant camera" and "telegram", which aligned better with their focus on photo sharing. 

    This app launched to the public on October 10, 2010 and in just three months, it had garnered 1 million users!  By month four of Instagram's launch date, there were 2 million users.  The growth was unprecedented compared to other social media platforms:  Facebook took ten months to reach 1 million users; Twitter reached 1 million users in twenty-four months; and Tumblr reached the 1 million user mark in twenty-seven months.  The initial version of Instagram allowed users to post photos, like, comment, and follow others.  In 2011, the app received its first update, which included a new icon resembling the back of a Polaroid camera and improved camera settings. In 2012, Instagram expanded to Android users, attracting an additional 50 million users in April alone.

Instagram's Original Logo Creator Says New Logo Is Beautiful, Timeless -  Newsweek

    Instagram has significantly influenced how we communicate, evolving from a simple photo-sharing app to a multi-faceted social media platform.  Its growth has facilitated the rise of influencers and reshaped digital marketing.  In November 2013, Instagram introduced sponsored posts, positioning the app as a major advertising platform.  The same year, Instagram launched direct messaging (DMs), providing a private communication channel for users.  Additionally, video sharing was introduced, allowing users to post videos alongside photos.

    The platform continued to innovate in 2014 by introducing business accounts.  This feature enabled users to monitor interactions and track their reach, which was particular beneficial for brands and influencers.  Instagram's evolution has transformed into a daily communication tool, with features and updates continuously user engagement and connectivity.

    Though it has mostly been a positive addition to the communication tool bag, there are some negative implications of social media platforms like Instagram.  There is  a level of dependency that can develop as it relates to many social media apps.  To some, their day cannot begin or end without accessing the app to discover what is happening, who is successful, and/or who to emulate.  For some, Instagram has also created a false sense of reality.  It is important to put information shared in perspective, as most people only post positive images.  To curate your life based on someone's social media posts can create negative self-images, poor self-images, and mental health concerns.  Being aware of the fact that posts are based on what people want you to see versus what may actually be happening is a must when you decide to engage in social media.  It's also important to "unplug" from social media and other digital devices to re-center and give yourself mental breaks.

Illustration of people pulling a plug out of a smartphone

     Instagram's journey from "Burbn" to a global social media giant highlights the importance of adapting to trends and user needs.  Its rapid user growth and constant feature enhancements have set it apart from other social media platforms.  The app's ability to integrate new functionalities, such as DMs, video sharing, and business accounts has cemented its place in the digital landscape  and made it an indispensable tool for personal and professional communication. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Blog 4: Privacy


 Data Privacy - 5 Best Practices Everyone Should Be Following

 In an effort to learn more about privacy in today's world, I watched four TED talks on the topic. These talks were really enlightening. The first one focused on electronic tattoos and how our digital footprint affects privacy and even the idea of immortality. The second talk explored how advanced surveillance technologies impact individual privacy rights. The third one looked at how technological advancements in communication enhance surveillance capabilities. Finally, the fourth talk highlighted the issue of "digital domestic violence" and the lack of protection against online harassment.

Privacy Is Completely And Utterly Dead, And We Killed ItPrivacy is a major concern in the digital age, and these TED talks really drove that point home. They reminded me how crucial it is to understand the risks associated with widespread technology use. These issues affect not only individuals but also their families and communities. There are serious implications for personal security, reputation, and mental health. When it comes to government action, policymakers need to create and enforce strong laws that protect individuals from privacy invasions. We need to balance national security with the privacy rights of citizens. It's also important to provide education to citizens of all ages related to privacy laws and the use of digital platforms. My grandparents are in their seventies and are not as knowledgeable as younger people related to technology. When they visit, I am sometimes the expert in making sure their devices are working properly and there are no "bugs" from downloading, watching what seem to be innocent videos, etc.

On a personal level, there are steps we can take to protect our privacy. Using encryption tools, being careful about sharing personal information online, and being aware of social media security settings are all helpful. It’s also important to educate people about the risks of online activities. Privacy is important to everyone because we have no way of knowing who has our best interest at heart - there are multiple ways people invade privacy, try to "scam" others, or are participating in illegal activities that they are trying to hide. Making sure devices are password protected, regularly updating devices, and there is an understanding of our digital footprint are tools that we can use to protect our privacy on a regular basis.

The relationship between the First Amendment and privacy laws is complex. It’s crucial to define clear rules so society isn't operating in a gray area. When you know you are being watched, you are more careful about what is revealed; how you react to issues; what you make public. These TED talks showed that we need to address privacy concerns with both legal and technological solutions. Most importantly, we need to raise public awareness. By taking proactive measures at both individual and governmental levels, we can work towards a safer and more secure digital environment for all.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Key Blog Post: Eight Values of Free Expression

The Eight Values of Free Expression

Free Speech | American Civil Liberties Union

   The eight core values of free expression—marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promotion of tolerance, promotion of innovation, and protection of dissent—are foundational to our understanding of the First Amendment. Among these, the promotion of innovation stands out to me the most. Freedom of speech, one of the fundamental rights outlined in the First Amendment, encompasses these eight essential values.

    The marketplace of ideas, a concept introduced by John Milton, posits that when truth and falsehood are allowed to compete freely, truth will ultimately prevail. This is compelling to me because it aligns with the belief that divine principles, such as those found in the Bible, represent ultimate truth. Milton's idea suggests that truth will always overcome the lies that may arise in society.

    Participation in self-government is another crucial value, emphasizing the role of public opinion in shaping informed decisions. Most Americans believe they should be able to express their opinions without excessive government interference. This value ensures that diverse viewpoints inform elections, as highlighted by the landmark Supreme Court case Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969). In this case, the Court ruled that inflammatory speech by a Ku Klux Klansman inciting violence was not protected. This demonstrates how participation in self-government helps regulate extreme actions. Alexander Meiklejohn also underscored the importance of free speech in maintaining a functional democracy.

    Stable change allows citizens to express their grievances openly, reducing the likelihood of violent outbursts by providing a peaceful outlet for dissent. This aligns with the First Amendment's guarantee of the right to peaceably assemble. Individual self-fulfillment, another value, permits people to develop their identities and live by principles that define them.

    The fifth value, checking government power, is not just a right but a duty for U.S. citizens. It is part of the checks-and-balances system that prevents any branch of government from becoming too powerful. Along with the press, citizens play a crucial role in maintaining this balance, which is fundamental to preserving our freedoms and preventing dictatorship.

 'Tolerance’ spelled out in wooden blocks.

    Promoting tolerance, even for hate speech, is vital for societal growth. The First Amendment protects such speech, enabling us to confront and overcome painful situations, ultimately fostering acceptance and understanding among diverse groups. This tolerance is crucial for national growth and unity.

    The promotion of innovation is perhaps the most exciting value to me. It suggests that a society that embraces freedom of speech is more likely to generate new ideas and foster creativity. This freedom encourages individuals to be more innovative and motivated.  Finally, protecting dissent ensures that citizens can criticize and disagree with the government. This duty to speak out against governmental actions promotes a level of freedom that is unparalleled in other nations, contrasting starkly with dictatorial regimes.

    In conclusion, the eight values of free expression are vital in emphasizing the importance of the First Amendment. The marketplace of ideas stands out to me as the most crucial because it underscores the enduring triumph of truth over falsehood. Determining the boundaries of truth and lies is a continuous challenge, but the freedom to explore these concepts is essential to our democracy. Without these values, our current day rights would be limited. For example, the right to vote is a direct result of these values. With these freedoms come the growth of censorship efforts and a great deal of barriers around the ability to censor one's thoughts being expressed. Social media outlets like X, Tiktok, and Instagram allow groups or individuals to express their values openly. I believe these eight values are necessary because boundaries are important, but it is also a good way for society to question norms and break barriers.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Blog Post 2: US Supreme Court

 Supreme Court

    In the early days of our nation, the founding fathers established three branches of government to ensure a balance of power and maintain peace among the populace. These branches are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Among them, the Supreme Court stands out as a crucial part of our democracy, arguably the glue that holds it all together. Its primary role is not only to uphold the law but also to interpret laws.  The most important takeaway is the intense amount of responsibility and trust this one group of people hold.

    From reading the article at History.com, I learned that the Supreme Court originally had just six justices, a number that Congress adjusted several times before settling on nine in 1869.  This figure remains unchanged today. Over the years, there have been more than a hundred justices, but only one, Samuel Chase, has been impeached and removed.


 One concept I find fascinating is judicial review. This term refers to the Court's ability to "...declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution".  This action was solidified in 1803 by the landmark case Marbury v. Madison, where Justice John Marshall asserted the Court's authority to rule on the constitutionality of federal laws. This decision empowered the Supreme Court to check the actions of the executive and legislative branches.

    Another surprising aspect I discovered from watching videos of the Supreme Court justices is how human they appear. I had always imagined the Supreme Court as a very serious and rigid institution. However, seeing the justices exhibit humor and emotion made me realize they are human too, capable of making mistakes like anyone else. We often hold the courts to a standard of perfection and criticize them for corruption, but it’s important to remember that justices are fallible humans. As a democratic society, we should scrutinize their actions carefully but also approach them with grace, acknowledging their capacity for error.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Blog Post 1

5 Reliable News Sources

When I was younger, my parents always encouraged me to watch the news with them. However, I believed there were other ways to stay informed besides watching live TV. Over time, I discovered various news sources that people like me use daily, broadening my understanding of where to find information.


Every couple of days, I open Twitter to catch up on current events. I think it's a great way to stay updated on everything from politics to celebrity drama. Not only does Twitter provide news, but it also offers a platform for people to share their opinions on various topics. However, it's important to note that Twitter can sometimes be unreliable. With the constant flow of updates, it's easy to spot when someone is spreading fake news or misinformation.


While TikTok is primarily known for entertainment, it also has the power to disseminate information about the world. The accuracy of this information can be hit or miss, as many users tend to spread false information. One of TikTok's unique features is that anyone can create an account and start posting content. While this makes it a great source of diverse perspectives, it also means that misinformation is rampant. Unlike Twitter, TikTok doesn't offer a straightforward way to verify the accuracy of the information shared on the platform. 


I've always had Instagram, but I use it very differently now than I did before. I know there's a lot of clickbait on Instagram, but it can be reliable if you're careful. For example, a lot of my feed is about Justin and Hailey Bieber since they're the couple I follow the most. Once, I saw a post from a news account I'd never heard of that showed them at a doctor's appointment, supposedly planning a pregnancy. Before this post, the Biebers hadn't announced anything about having a baby, and no other celebrities or news outlets were talking about it. I was curious, so I clicked on the account, but it turned out to be a fake news account posting clickbait

Fox News 

I grew up watching Fox News 8 and still rely on it for the latest updates. Fox News 8 is a great program that covers the top local stories and also reports on events happening around the world. I mainly watch it for the local traffic updates, weather forecast, and breaking news, which are really helpful when I’m out during the week. My family has always watched Fox News 8, so I trust it because it aligns with my beliefs and seems unbiased. It’s really convenient to get local, national, and international news all from one channel.


Using Reddit is definitely one of my favorite ways to get specific news and information. To clarify, I think it is super easy to find exact answers to my questions. If I have a problem, someone else probably had the same issue. A quick search usually brings up a thread where random people helped each other out. The best part is, the answers come from regular people, not businesses with useless automated responses. This is really helpful because you know the person on the other end had the same problem as you. I also use Reddit for regular news and updates on topics I'm interested in. There are thousands of specific communities where people discuss very specific topics.  

Blog 7: EOTO 2

In today's digital era, political influencers hold a lot of authority over public opinion and policy making.  There are positive and neg...