Sunday, July 7, 2024

Blog 10: Our Relationship with Technology

                                                                        Digital Landscape    

 In today's world, technology is everywhere, deeply embedded in nearly every aspect of our lives. For me, it's more than just a tool; it's like a bridge connecting me to everything around me. From how I communicate with others and consume media to how I spend my free time, the digital wave has transformed not only the world but also my personal daily routine. As newer generations grow up, it’s crucial to both embrace the potential of technological advancements and acknowledge the downsides they bring.


   When was the Internet invented? | Prysmian The internet reared its head in January 1983 and was a pivotal historical moment. This interconnected web altered how we access information and opened doors to learning, entertainment, and relationships. The development of the internet moves through all generations. Generation X reminisces about platforms like MySpace but the true social media pioneer was Six Degrees that originated in 1997. This platform gave birth to successors like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, reshaping how we socialize and define ourselves. The rise of these platforms has created a new social dynamic, one that is constantly evolving and expanding.

Along with the perks of the internet and social media, there are significant risks that we often overlook. Downloading apps, for example, can put our privacy at risk in ways that we do not fully grasp. We grant permissions in our daily interactions on social media that allow access to our everyday lives unknowingly. As a teenager, I realize how irresponsibly I used platforms like Instagram in hindsight. I was so focused on fitting in and gaining followers that I didn’t realize the extent of the data I was sharing. It wasn’t until later that I became aware of how much personal information I had exposed. Now that I have matured, I understand the importance of being safe and aware of red flags related to my use of social media.

Media influences us in more ways than we realize. The opportunity to create addiction is prevalent and can change the way we see the world and ourselves. Social media, especially, is a mixed bag. While it offers connections and information, it can also lead to addiction. Algorithms are designed to keep us hooked, feeding our desire for validation with likes and comments. This constant exposure to others’ seemingly perfect lives can distort our sense of reality, particularly for younger individuals still figuring out who they are. The pressure to present a curated, flawless version of oneself can be overwhelming and damaging to self-esteem.

I now see how deeply I was immersed in the online world looking back on my use as a middle and high school student. There was an intense amount of pressure to participate in every trend, even if the risks were in the forefront of my mind. Many challenges evolved that included an element of danger like the Tide Pod craze. The toll on mental health was undeniable, with rates of depression and anxiety soaring among my peers. Social media became a double-edged sword, offering a sense of belonging while simultaneously amplifying insecurities and fears.Social Media on Mental Health

There are some negative aspects of technology and social media; however, there is a balance of positives. During the pandemic, technology was the binder for most people in the world related to education, finance, etc. The value of technology was nearly insurmountable when physical distance was required. It democratizes information and fuels innovation, offering endless possibilities for growth—if we use it wisely. As many traditional methods were not accessible, the internet provided a lifeline for education, work, and social interaction. The majority of my ninth grade year was completed online through virtual classrooms, remote work, and digital gatherings, thanks to technology that ensured continuity in our lives despite the global crisis.

The importance of finding balance - knowing when to unplug and prioritize real-life interactions - is key and one of the more difficult parts of engaging with technology. As we navigate this complex relationship with technology, I aim to be a responsible user, mindful of its impact on my well-being and the world around me. It’s a journey of discovery, filled with both challenges and opportunities. Practicing digital mindfulness and setting boundaries can help mitigate the negative effects of technology while maximizing its benefits.

As we move forward, let’s strive for a healthier, more connected future. This involves not only individual efforts but also collective action to create supportive environments and policies that promote digital well-being. Educating ourselves and others about the ethical use of technology and the importance of digital literacy is crucial in this endeavor. As a college student, I am still learning how to disconnect from technology as it is still a vital part of my experience. I look for ways to participate in social activities that are in person and force me to work on my soft skills. I try to limit my use also because of the level of data tracking that is a bit frightening.

                                                                                                     I left the ad industry because our use of data tracking terrified me

In my opinion, technology is a necessary part of our lives because it affords us remarkable opportunities and significant challenges. By being aware of its impacts and striving for a balanced approach, we can harness its potential for good while mitigating its downsides. I hope we will continue to work together to create a future where technology is used as a life enhancement with as little negative impact on our well-being as we shape our digital landscape.

Blog 9: The Age of AI

 Will AI Take Over The World? Or Will ... Over the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has become a more integral part of society and our everyday lives. While AI is still developing, it is expected to revolutionize the world soon, bringing with it opportunities for social and economic development.

So, how does AI work? AI programs learn from the input received. From these inputs, the program develops and improves its own algorithm. Essentially, it mimics humans by learning the rules of a given task as it goes. Through computer science programming, AI can imitate human actions and thoughts by analyzing data. This data enables AI to learn numerous tasks and solve or anticipate problems.

                                                                             What is Artificial Intelligence? (AI) - AI Time Journal - Artificial  Intelligence, Automation, Work and Business

I was surprised to hear about how artificial intelligence was able to beat a world champion at a board game. This happened with the world's most complex board game, Go, which has more possible moves than there are atoms in the universe. Go, all about strategy, was invented in 2300 BCE by Emperor Yao to teach his son discipline, concentration, and balance. In 2016, in Seoul, South Korea, the match between Go world champion Lee Sedol and Google's AI program AlphaGo answered the question: can a machine overtake human intelligence? AlphaGo was designed to mimic the neural networks of the human brain. It functioned by being fed various Go games from which it studied and learned to develop its own moves. During the match, AlphaGo used creative moves that even humans had never thought of before. In the end, AlphaGo won four games and Lee Sedol won one. This was a monumental moment because it indicated that one type of intelligence could beat another, further pushing the idea that artificial intelligence's ability to collect vast amounts of data surpassed that of a normal human.

Even with all the advantages that artificial programs can bring, there are still many negative implications of integrating this type of technology in our society. One of the biggest selling factors of AI is that it can cut costs for businesses because it can do jobs that would normally require multiple people but it does it quicker and more effectively. This can obviously have bad outcomes for many blue collar workers whose jobs have the potential to be overtaken by AI. I was really alarmed to find out that it is suspected that artificial intelligence may take over roughly 50% of the jobs we see today. This is a scary statistic because these are people's real jobs that pay their bills and provide for their families. One occupation that I could think of that may be affected in the future is truck drivers. Truck drivers are used to transport goods for businesses all over the country. However, with self-driving trucks becoming more and more popular, these people may find themselves without a job. The appeal to self-driving trucks comes from companies eager to cut costs and maximize efficiency like moving freight 24/7. 

As with most other innovative ideas and inventions, it will be interesting to see the sustainability of this new phenomenon - Artificial Intelligence. How will it separate or integrate society? How will it impact careers and financial stability? What types of advantages will AI create? We will need to be prepared for this ride and make every attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible! According to the video, automation will impact every facet of the economy. As the world is re-imagined, we may also witness another separation among men and women, which is something that was surprising. While businesses are seeking more ways to do the same work with more efficiency, this could mean employing less people and relying more on robotics and automation. Not only will females be more at risk of losing clerical type jobs, but lower to upper middle class people are also at risk of losing employment - especially those that may work in production or middle management positions. Those with the power and revenue are expected to remain on top as they are the decision makers.

For me, the biggest take away was the idea of "mining" our lives associated with artificial intelligence. Sometimes, we are carefree when we do anything online - using different search engines, making purchases, etc. Although we do hear about our digital footprint and how monitoring our activities could impact our privacy and identity, I don't believe we take it as seriously as it can be. There are predictions about our future in terms of careers, economic earnings, etc. - this makes it real because we are giving "permission" to be monitored every minute of every day! We have to be aware of the manipulation that is made possible by AI and learn how to navigate as it continues to develop and impact our society - financially, socially, politically, etc. Recognizing our power as consumers and understanding laws in place to protect our rights and identity will be key in our survival and co-existence with AI.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Blog 8: Voices of Antiwar 

The United States' foreign policy and military decisions are significantly influenced by the opinions of its citizens. This democratic principle ensures that the government remains accountable to the people. However, when the U.S. engages in military operations around the world, these decisions often face objections from various segments of society, which are voiced in different media outlets. Despite this, mainstream media frequently ignores such objections, leading alternative sources like ANTIWAR.COM to cover the ethical, economic, and political issues associated with U.S. war efforts.

In today's media landscape, large corporations that benefit from war have a vested interest in promoting propaganda and biased information that aligns with their objectives. These companies exert considerable influence over the news and information that most Americans consume. Social media platforms, which are increasingly the primary source of news for many people, are controlled by these powerful entities. For instance, Facebook has gained notoriety for promoting biased content to shape public opinion in ways that serve its interests. This pervasive bias in media not only skews public perception but also impacts the reporting on U.S. military actions globally.

                             Anti War Rally: Voices for Peace: Taking a Stand in Anti War Rallies -  FasterCapital

The situation is further complicated by the fact that if mainstream media platforms benefit from war efforts or adhere to a particular agenda, they are likely to suppress alternative viewpoints. This deliberate omission of diverse perspectives prevents a balanced and comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. Consequently, the American public is often presented with a one-sided narrative that supports continued military engagement.

Moreover, the war in Afghanistan, which was highly unpopular, particularly during the Obama administration, is a case in point. Despite widespread disapproval, many Americans remain sensitive to the events of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent war on terror led by Al Qaeda. The annual remembrance of 9/11 and its profound traumatic impact on the national psyche make it challenging to criticize efforts aimed at combating terrorism. As a result, opinions opposing such efforts are often suppressed or under-reported in the media, for fear of backlash and public disapproval.


This complex interplay of corporate interests, media bias, and public sentiment underscores the challenges in ensuring transparent and accountable governance in the realm of foreign policy and military decision-making. The dominance of profit-driven media narratives over genuine public discourse raises critical questions about the integrity of information that shapes public opinion and policy decisions. Many platforms like The American Conservative allows groups to express their opinions based on their beliefs and in support of specific policies, political groups, and for profit. In some ways, this is the basis of freedom of speech in America. Since 2002, this magazine has released and has influenced many major decisions in American history, including voting outcomes in major elections. To foster a more informed and engaged citizenry, it is essential to promote diverse media sources and encourage critical examination of the information presented to the public.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Blog 7: EOTO 2

5 Tips to Become a Micro-Influencer | SUCCESSIn today's digital era, political influencers hold a lot of authority over public opinion and policy making.  There are positive and negative aspects of this level of influence.  On the one hand they can amplify important voices, raise awareness, and boost civic engagement; but they can also spread misinformation, increase polarization, and hurt democratic processes.  Sifting through all of the opinions and information can be overwhelming, to say the least.

On the bright side, political influencers can drive change by highlighting the voices of marginalized groups and advocating for social justice.  They bring attention to critical issues like climate change, racial inequity, and human rights abuse which sparks public discussion and mobilizes communities.  For example, Greta Thunberg has brought global attention to environmental sustainability, inspiring many to join climate strikes and push for policy changes.  She is a Swedish environmental activist who has been influencing change since persuading her family to make lifestyle changes to decrease their carbon footprint at the age of fifteen.  Her work is a great example of people's ability to affect change at any age.

Moreover, political influencers are key in getting young people more involved in politics.  Using social media and digital tools, they make politics more accessible and relatable to youth, encouraging participation in elections, protests, and grassroots movements.  Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are now hubs for political discussions and allow allow influencers to share educational content, debunk myths, and promote voter registration.  This increased engagement helps create a more informed and empowered citizenry that is crucial for any democracy.

Role of Influencers in Politics: How to win Influence people -  SocialBenchers 

Political influencers also have the power to spread misinformation and deepen social divides.  In a world of echo chambers, people are often exposed to biased information that reinforces their existing beliefs leading to polarization.  Influencers contribute to this by sharing sensationalized or misleading content to please their audience, rather than promoting balanced and fact-based discussions.  We see examples of negative influence increase during elections - evident now more than ever as our country prepares to elect the 47th President of the United States of America.

Echo chamber (media) - Wikipedia

Additionally, the rise of the influencer culture has blurred the lines between entertainment and politics, turning social issues into commodities for personal gain.  Some influencers focus on sensationalism over substance, using clickbait and provocative rhetoric to attract attention and grow their following.  This trivializes complex political issues and distracts from genuine advocacy, undermining the credibility of the activist community.

Furthermore, the unchecked influence of political influencers can weaken democratic processes and institutions.  When influencers prioritize partisanship over impartiality, they can erode public trust in the media and electoral systems.  Influence-driven misinformation campaigns, like those spreading false election narratives or conspiracy theories can create doubt and division that ultimately undermines the legitimacy of democratic governance.  Many fail to recognize the impact of influencers on families and communities.  Having faith in a political candidate based on unethical campaign methods can create negate outcomes financially, socially, educationally, etc.  For example, there is a great deal of conversation around the Project 2025 policy proposals related to its impact on different groups of people.  It is important for citizens to research and follow their beliefs and values when deciding who they will support.

In conclusion, I see the dual nature of political influencers.  They can drive positive change and boost civic engagement, but they also pose risks to democratic values and societal cohesion.  As consumers of digital content, it's crucial to critically evaluate the information we encounter, scrutinize the motives of influencers, and advocate for transparent and responsible communication.  Only by holding political influencers accountable can we harness their potential for good while minimizing their negative impacts on society.

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Blog 10: Our Relationship with Technology

                                                                                                 In today's world, technology is everywh...